

May & June in Review

* We celebrated our last Cinco de Mayo with our great friends Karen, Joel, Piper, and Cooper.  It was a great tradition going strong for 2 years.
* Kayu arrived home with a week and a half to spare before we journeyed off to Alabama.  We made a quick weekend trip to Boulder one last time.
* The movers came and packed up our house.  We were sad to say goodbye since it was the house we brought Charlotte home to after she was born.
* With boxes, cats, and toddler in tow, we drove to Michigan to spend a week with family.  The timing worked out so we could spend Memorial day with the fam.
* Charlotte stayed at Gama and Gampa camp while we drove to Alabama.  She had a great time having a sleep over with AV, UB, and Samantha.  She spent most of her days playing with Gwen, coloring, doodling with chalk, and her all time favorite-- blowing bubbles.
* AJ flew Charlotte out to Florida.  She had a blast flying and even got some Delta wings.
* While at school (and the surrounding areas), we have gotten to reunite with some of our great friends....Abigail, Tomo, Cooper, Kyle, Dave, Breanne, Matilda, Dick, Leona, and Pooja