12 Friends. 2 Vans. 2 Days. 1 Night. 200 Mile Relay. Unforgettable Stories.
And we survived it all.

The entire experience was very surreal. Wake up at the crack of dawn to get to the start line. Wish the first runner off. Cheer him on as he conquers an 8 mile run with winding hills. Wait an incredibly long time in anticipation of your run. Five hours later, run 6.7 miles in the hot desert. Your body hates your for leaving 20 degree windy weather to run in unbearably hot 85 degree weather. Pass off the sweaty slap bracelet to your teammate. Hop into the van dripping in sweat. Roll the windows down in an attempt to not stink up the van. Wait some more. Strap on your head lamp. Run another 6.7 miles in the pitch black while hoping you don't get hit by a truck. Reminisce about your cross country days in the desert. Catch some Z's at a basketball gym surrounded by a hundred runners. Get up two hours later cranky that you didn't get enough sleep. Try to get some sleep in the van. Watch the sunrise across the desert. Run 5.8 miles that might have well have been 6 miles. Rejoice that you are done! Eat pancakes. Get a 5 minute massage. Join your teammates as you cross the finish line. That pretty much sums it up. It was a great experience and we met some wonderful people. That being said, I think this is the last one I will do.