
Happy New Year

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Here is to 2013 bringing you laughter and new adventures!


Charlotte's Conversation of the Day


Charlotte: Daddy, Santa got me a kitchen!
Kayu: yea
Charlotte: He got me a puppy too! But he forgot my kitty, huh?
Kayu: He did...
Charlotte: Cause, I want a kitchen, a puppy, and a kitty!

The picture above is Charlotte with Tweet the birdie. He was found among our pile of Christmas ornaments. Tweet got disconnected from his Care Bear friend and has since become Charlotte's little pet friend. She once took him to school and gave him to a friend. He was later found on the floor at school and has managed to make his way back to our house.


Merry Christmas!

Christmas 2012 from Shannon Ng on Vimeo.

Christmas Crafts

I had wanted to make these ornaments last year but we didn't get around to it. I loved the simplicity of it. Applesauce, glue, and cinnamon. They made the house smell wonderful. reindeerprints
When I was in kindergarten we made red sweatshirts with a reindeer like this. I think this was the first time Charlotte didn't freak out about paint getting on her hands.
We made this baby from scratch and it was a 3 day process. I made the batter which had to refrigerated. Luckily Kayu rolled out the dough and cut it because it was so tough he basically had to man handle it. The last day we decorated. I tried not to be too obsessive compulsive about the candy placement =)


She makes my heart full

She told me that I am her best friend. And then she continued to tell me that the cat is her best friend. Well..at least I was first.


Raspberries always bring back special memories of spending the summer at my Grandma Phillips' house and picking fresh raspberries from her backyard. She always had raspberry jam on hand to smother our toast with.

This recipe was a bit consuming as you have to let the dough rest numerous times but I would definitely recommend it for special occasions. You can check out the recipe here.