5 Months Old!
Charlotte is 5 months today...where does the time go? She is a full fledged crib sleeper now. Not many people (let alone babies) can say they followed through with their New Year's resolution...but Charlotte can =) And there is nothing that makes her mommy more happy than waking up in the morning and finding her cute lil' babe all smiles in her crib. We are still waiting for her to roll over. And for her sake I hope she does it fast before her daddy disowns her. Poor Charlotte...she is only five months and her father already has such high expectations of her.
**I thought I should note that the picture this month was all Daddy's idea. He does have a creative bone in his body!**
happy 5 months little C! BAALLLIINGGGG!!
she is *literally* rolling in it!
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