I was just looking through old pictures of Charlotte on Flickr and realized that last year she had a cat hat too. Crazy to see how much she has changed in just a year.
This year we had a low key dinner with just the three of us. I had fully intended on contributing more to the dinner making process, but somehow Kayu ended up doing most of the work. This Thanksgiving was a year of first...Charlotte actually got to partake in eating the Thanksgiving dinner. Last year she was just a wee little babe! Charlotte is showing signs of wanting to become a vegetarian. She only wanted to eat the smashed sweet potatoes. We had to hide the turkey in the potatoes in order for her to eat any.
So much to be thankful for this year... a beautiful daughter. a wonderful husband. a supportive family. good health. great friends.
Since some people were making fun of Charlotte's mullet (ahem Nicholas!) we decided it was time for Charlotte to get a little trim. It made me a little sad to see the hair she had grown for fourteen months fall to the ground but I knew it was the right thing to do so she wouldn't be tormented by the kids at school =)
Charlotte is 14 months old going on 16 years old now. She has just started testing the waters to see how we react to her. Most recently she has been coming up to me and pinching me. I tell her no and she cries for a few minutes, composes herself, and then goes right back and pinches me again. Little goober! Here are some of the fun things she has started doing....
* When I sing "if you are happy and you know it" she claps her hands, stomps her feet, and nods her head on those parts. * She likes to put all her toys in her bucket and then pull them all out and hand them to me * She can say "Uh-oh" and "Okay" * She uses the hammer to hit the balls through her toy * She can point to her nose * She can stand up on her own when she is in the middle of the room * If you ask "where is Charlotte?" she covers her face * She is a pro at climbing up the stairs and is just figuring out how to go back down them * Her newest animal sound is "woof" * She can shake her head and say "no" at the same time. I don't think she knows what it means, but it is rather cute for now. * She waves bye bye * She fake coughs if you are coughing