
Charlotte's Conversation of the Day


Charlotte: Daddy, Santa got me a kitchen!
Kayu: yea
Charlotte: He got me a puppy too! But he forgot my kitty, huh?
Kayu: He did...
Charlotte: Cause, I want a kitchen, a puppy, and a kitty!

The picture above is Charlotte with Tweet the birdie. He was found among our pile of Christmas ornaments. Tweet got disconnected from his Care Bear friend and has since become Charlotte's little pet friend. She once took him to school and gave him to a friend. He was later found on the floor at school and has managed to make his way back to our house.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

tweet the birdie, that little dude is magical. and is C interested in another kitty for the fam? oliver and leroy not cutting it? she wants a feline friend to call her very own?