I told Kayu to plop C on top of one of the pumpkins to get a picture. Luckily Kayu looked first, because there was a massive spider hanging out on the pumpkin. Eeek!

While on the lookout for a second pumpkin, drops of rain scattered around us. We decided to be troopers and keep looking around. Not more than a few minutes later, a torrential downpour came down. We grabbed a pumpkin and booked it back to the car. Poor C had her head in the nook of my arm to try avoiding the soaking rain. If I wasn't afraid of getting my camera wet, I would have gotten some pictures of our crazy family running around in the rain to get the perfect pumpkin.

little C belongs in her own charlie brown halloween special
That spider is NASTY...looks like it is full of little baby spiders... eew.
I thought that spider was a Tazmanian Devil-like sticker before I read it is real. *shudder*
On another note, lil C is so fashionable. I'm jealous!
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