


With a peep peep here and a peep peep there

I am blaming the newbies on Kayu's mother and grandmother =) They both thought we should have four chickens and the more I think about it, the more economical four chickens sound. We are only feeding one more mouth but our egg production should increase. Now if you do the math, you are probably saying to yourself, 3 + 2 does not equal 4. Here's the deal...we are convinced that Little is a rooster. He/she is much larger than the other two and the tail feathers seem to be curving much like a rooster. Only time will tell, but in the mean time we decided to get two babies since they can't be raised solo. This time we got a Plymouth Rock and a Rhode Island Red. Currently the black one is Millie (named after my coworker) and the Red is Penny.



Look at their cute little tushes!


A letter to Grandma Ng


Grandma Ng,

I don’t think words could express how thankful I am that you left all your familiar surroundings in NYC to come live with us and take care of Charlotte. I think Charlotte will be able to look back and have fond memories of your time together. Sometimes I would come home from work and it was as if you two had your own little inside jokes…giggling like school girls. I also think that this time helped build a solid foundation for Charlotte learning Chinese which she will hopefully build upon in the years to come.

It was nice to have your company around the house while Kayu was gone. I know I slept better at night knowing that you were there as well. I will dearly miss your wonderful home cooked meals. I know my diet improved drastically with all the delicious vegetables you cooked. I am very grateful for all the cleaning and extra work you did to help out around the house.

Without you, I wouldn’t have been able to see Charlotte as much as I did due to my hectic work schedule. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You will be missed!



Pimp my chicken coop

I was getting worried because the chickens were getting bigger and they had no real home besides the roosting cardboard box in the garage.  The ornery chickens had also figured out how to jump on the rim of the box.  I had found a coop with a garden top that I had liked in a magazine so I asked Kayu to sketch up some plans.  Well my genius husband found the exact coop that I wanted with plans in a book at barnes and noble.  So I did what any cheap girl would do, I sat at barnes and noble and took pictures of the plans.  Twenty-five pictures and a couple of stares from the employee later and I was ready to build a coop.  My aunt and cousin stepped up to the plate and agreed (well I don't know that Kelly really knew what she was getting into) to help me build it.  I felt rather empowered after the coop was built that we were able to complete the project all by ourselves.  Kayu joked that it was "made by girls for girls."  I only wish I had gotten a picture of the 3 of us after with power tools in hand.








C: Give me a big hug
C: That wasn't a big hug. You didn't squeeze me

C: Smell my hair (after taking a bath). Does it smell like strawberries?

C: Grandma do you like cats?
Grandma Ng: No cats. Cats no good 
(C laughs hysterically and the same conversation repeats itself)

C: I have a brother and sister.  They are at my new house.
Mommy: So where is this new house?
C: Right behind your house.  But you can't go there.

Daddy: Eat your dinner.
C: Maybe I will do that tomorrow

(After C drew the body of a butterfly)
Mommy: Are you going to draw the wings
C: No, I will do that tomorrow

Everything is about tomorrow these days...