* The new words she has added to her vocabulary: cheese, eat, socks, book, milk
* If you tell her to give the kitties or dog a hug, she will rest her head on them. That is if they haven't run away by the time she gets to them
* She just learned how to sign for "please"
* She puts her hand over her mouth and makes "Indian" sounds
* She loves to carry around pens. She usually pulls them out of our flight suits
* She is in the "terrible two" phase and will throw temper tantrums. She will lay on the floor face down and cry...mostly if she wants to be held and you don't pick her up
* She refuses to give us kisses before going to bed if she is upset and doesn't want to go down for the night
* If you give her a napkin she will wipe her hands and face off. Then she will wipe the table
* She loves to talk on the phone and will go on a long rant...but only if no one is on the other end
* She likes to rub lotion on her hands or will mimic us if we are doing it

happy 17 months c! she makes quite the formidable little monster.
picture of her hugging the kitties or the pup please. head resting or it doesnt count!
It is hard to get a picture because they get away so fast =) I will work on it.
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