Michael Jackson Reborn?
Charlotte has this new obsession. I find it a little odd...but I let her run with it. She likes to put socks on her hands. It all started when my aunt sent her a cute little valentine's dress and long knee high socks to go with it. One night after changing her into her PJ's, she grabbed the socks and put them on her hands. Then she got all giddy and started to sway her arms and dance. The other day she insisted that she wear them in the car on our way to the post office. Luckily for me, she took them off right before we went in. Otherwise I might have been a little embarrassed of my little toddler running around with socks on her hands.
haha grls got style. throw a little ballgown on her and shes ready to take the town!
Mom, Just being creative!
I love it! Those pictures are priceless.
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