Updated kitchen
Cabinets are painted.
Hardware is in place.
Chalkboards are painted.
Next on the list...replace sink, update counter tops, and add a backsplash.
Best Buds
Let me start out saying that I don't really believe in arranged marriage, but if I did I would make sure these two little cuties got married. They have a long standing history. Their parents were roommates. They met each other when they were still in the womb. They have seen each other four times since. And according to Tomo, if they get married and have babies, their children will also be half Asian.
First Marathon
A whole lot of distance
You can tell where I gave in and walked
Final time: 4 hrs 12 min 30 sec
Wall Color
Here are some of the color splotches that I am looking at for the living room/dining room area. I would like to go with something pretty but neutral. I am also thinking about doing an accent wall in the dining room but I am not sure how that would look with the wall configuration. Thought or favorites?
I had a hard time getting a picture of the color swatches. Hopefully this is an accurate representation.
Little Miss Bossy
"Psst! Oliver" That is me yelling at Oliver to stop scratching at the plastic I laid down for painting.
"Sst! Olver" That is Charlotte yelling at Oliver.
And every minute later, she was up in face making sure he wasn't getting into trouble.
"Olver stop!"
"No cat!"
"Olver no!"
Poor Oliver. He can't get away with anything. And even when he was just laying there, she still yelled at him.
"Sst! Olver" That is Charlotte yelling at Oliver.
And every minute later, she was up in face making sure he wasn't getting into trouble.
"Olver stop!"
"No cat!"
"Olver no!"
Poor Oliver. He can't get away with anything. And even when he was just laying there, she still yelled at him.
What was I thinking?
I have been wanting to paint the kitchen cabinets for a long time. They were a drab oak wood with prominent grain that I was not a fan of. My kitchen currently looks like a tornado reared its ugly head through it. I am more than half way done but can't help ask myself what I was thinking to start such a large project by myself.

I plan on snatching up the hardware for the drawers. Kayu is not thrilled about the lights, but he will soon be convinced. And lastly, the sink is a must have. I'll have to do some measuring to make sure it will actually fit. Stay tuned for the finished product! Oh yes, and my Aunt has graciously volunteered to paint over the ugly brown that inhabits most of the house...she is the best.
I have scouted IKEA (thanks to the newly opened store in Denver) and found some inspiration that I plan on buying when I make my next visit.

I plan on snatching up the hardware for the drawers. Kayu is not thrilled about the lights, but he will soon be convinced. And lastly, the sink is a must have. I'll have to do some measuring to make sure it will actually fit. Stay tuned for the finished product! Oh yes, and my Aunt has graciously volunteered to paint over the ugly brown that inhabits most of the house...she is the best.
We squeezed one more camping trip in before the weather got too cold. Since my friend Karen is 8 months pregnant {God bless her} and was brave enough to go, I figured I could manage with Charlotte by myself since Kayu is gone. Charlotte put a whole new meaning to the phrase "fusser wusser." She clung to me the whole time and wasn't happy unless she was in my arms. I know I should relish in this time since I know it won't last forever but sometimes I just want her to be a little independent. When the girls weren't fighting over toys, they had a blast playing in the mud {when Charlotte wasn't upset about getting dirty}, chasing each other, and kicking the soccer ball around.
20 Mile Run
I am just exhausted thinking about it. Whew! I must say that I am very proud of myself for running 20 miles before the big race day. It has been hard getting the long runs in with Kayu being out of town. I feel guilty for leaving Charlotte with someone for so long and it is hard to get the motivation to keep going when you are running by yourself. It is amazing how mental running is. And I know that but for some reason when I am on my own I just give in and give up. Luckily I did this run with two coworkers and they kept me going. I did stop a couple of times (for a potty break, to consume some Gu (disgusting!), and to take some sips of water) but altogether I felt really good about the run. My legs tightened up towards the end but I was able to keep a decent pace. Two more weeks of tapering and then it is time for the big day....26.2 miles. Fortunately I have been training at a high altitude so I am hoping that this is an advantage when I get to Ohio.
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