The new sounds roaring through the house "bababababaabaaba." Charlotte has just discovered this sound and it is rather adorable. We are just waiting for her to discover the letter "D" so she can start saying "dada."
In honor of the nation's birthday, we got together with some of the families that are part of the organization Spouses Helping Spouses, and paraded around a base neighborhood with the help of a police escort. It was a great way to start off the 4th of July weekend!
After a long awaited 2 months, Kayu finally arrived back home. We watched as his C-130 do a fly over (pilots...always yearning for all the attention). They finally landed and we anxiously waited for him to step out of the plane. Charlotte did hyperventilate a little when she first saw her Dad from all of the excitement. It was perfect timing because they all arrived the Friday before the 4th of July weekend. We are very glad to have him back home ! Kayu and Charlotte were interviewed by the local news and actually made the news that night. It is hard to resist Charlotte's cheeks. 
My old roommate from college, Christine, sent this adorable "jinbei" for Charlotte. In Japan "jenbei" means tradition Japanese house wear/night wear. I think people might start thinking that Charlotte is Japanese instead of Chinese since she is sporting all the cute Japanese wear.
Charlotte has three big sisters...Aundreya, Kaitlynn, and Hailey. They all love and adore Charlotte like she was their very own sister. Every time I go to pick up Charlotte from Daycare Audreya reminds me of how cute Charlotte is =)
Auntie B came into town while Kayu was gone to help out around the house. She got to spend some quality time with Charlotte while I had to go on alert/work. I think it was around the time that she was cutting some new teeth so Charlotte wasn't the most pleasant baby to be around. While Auntie B was in town, we made a trip down to the Denver Aquarium. There is nothing like seeing joy and excitement through a child's eyes. We also went towards Laramie to go hiking in Veduawoo. Brenda and I came back exhausted after getting lost and hauling not-so-light Charlotte through the trails...but we managed to survive.